Contact & access
The Vignerons du Pays d’Ensérune will be pleased to answer your queries
Tel : 04 67 93 30 11 – Mail :
A question? write to us…
Information collected via this form undergoes computer processing by the Vignerons du Pays d’Ensérune communication department, and is used to deal with your request and keep you informed about our offers. In compliance with the amended French Data Protection law of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and modify your personal information. You may also oppose the use of your personal data for legitimate reasons. You can access your personal information by sending a request to
Geographical location
Come and visit us…
Comptoir de Capestang
Cooperative Winery
Avenue de Béziers
Tél : 04 67 93 30 11
Mail :
Capestang : 20 mins from Béziers
Comptoir de Nissan Lez Ensérune
Cooperative Winery
Route de Narbonne
Tél : 04 67 37 00 31
Mail :
Nissan : 10 mins from Béziers and 20 mins from Narbonne
Comptoir de Cazouls les Béziers
Cooperative Winery
Avenue Jean Jaurès
Tél : 04 67 93 89 21
Mail :
Cazouls : 15 mins from Béziers